Monday, September 30, 2019

Best/Worst Teacher

Dear Mrs. Jane: My name is Jessica Smith, I was a 5th grade student of yours in during the 1996/1997 school year. At that time you may have known me as Jessica Cuevas. I am now in college pursuing a career in teaching. Recently I have been asked to write a letter to my favorite teacher and you were the first to pop in mind. Till this day I can think back and remember sitting in your class the first day of school, your desk and chalkboard outlined   with your collection of trolls! I knew right then that you were going to be a fun teacher.I remember being confused because there was no wall separating us from the the other classroom (Mrs. Sue’s 5th grade class), yet excited to hear what it was all about. Before attending your class I wasn't very engaged in learning or going to school, I didn't have many friends, I had just moved to town the year before. As soon as that day ended I went home eager to return to school the next day, and this feeling never changed for the whole yea r. You were always smiling, and very energetic when you interacted with our class.When you would explain our assignments you would get us excited and make it into a competition with our neighboring class. The marbles in the Jar, oh.. how i loved this on going game. The winning class had an option to pick from many random prizes. My favorite was the half day reading parties. We would bring our pillows and blankets from home and for the first half of the day we would read, and the second half we could play board games, listen to music, or watch movies. I was always motivated to do my best and to try my hardest,   in order to win the marbles.You had many ways of keeping me excited,motivated and interested in going to school. You opened my eyes to a fun,creative learning environment. You made feel like a friend and not just some student. I hope to someday be able to inspire students as you have inspired me. Thank you for making a wonderful impact so early in my life. I will carry thos e values throughout my teaching career. Sincerely, Jessica Smith Worst Teacher Letter Dear Mr. John: Teaching is not for everyone.I can understand how teaching high school students can be annoying and frustrating at times. We have multiple mood swings, and are trying to figure out how to fit in, however i don't feel that we should be ignored or treated like robots with no feeling. School should be a place we feel comfortable to go to on a daily bases, teachers should always be someone we can talk to and ask questions . From the very first day of class you came across as very strict and rude. You gave us one direction that we were to follow each and every day for the rest of the school year.That was to always bring our book to class, outline the chapter, answer the questions to the chapter, and do the written essay at the end of the chapter, everything should be completed and placed on your desk as we walked out. We were not to talk, get out of our seats or ask questions. No exceptio ns! Zero tolerance you made sure to get that point across. One day I forgot my book at home, I felt intimidated to go to class not knowing how you would react, other teachers would have just let me share with another classmate but not you.You made me stand in front of the classroom the whole period holding the eraser against the chalkboard. It was pretty humiliating, on the bright side of things I never forgot my book again. Every day was the same thing, just a different chapter. You wouldn't even greet us when we walked thru the door, we would just sit and get started. You sat at your desk reading books,newspaper, and magazines while never acknowledging us. How could you call yourself a teacher I always wondered? I strongly wish you have changed your ways, and rediscover the passion for teaching I hope you once had.Sincerely, Jessica Smith Why the Profession? At age eleven my family began to do foster care. We always had two or four kids ranging from newborns to teenagers. All the children came from broken house holds, many exposed to drugs, abuse and neglect. They all seemed to share the same qualities low self esteem, trouble trusting, adjusting ,adapting, and staying focused in school. They needed someone to love and care for them. All these frustrations and unhappiness caused many of them to have behavioral problems.My mother opened her heart to help them with all these issues, having the patience to teach them values and principles,bonding and investing genuine love and care for these children. As I grew older I began to notice the impact we as a family where making in these kids lives. I contributed in every way I could to try to help. At this point in life I knew I wanted to work with children. I have always been the creative type, I love all forms of art. I attended the Fashion institute of Design and Merchandise, and while I was there I realized that all my best projects and assignments were aimed   towards children.Any time I could pick my target audience it would be children. Children is what I know, they influence and inspire me. I   realized   that children are my passion. This is why I chose this profession. I see myself teaching kindergarten or first grade. I want to be the first to plant the seed. I want kids to enjoy learning by allowing them to explore in creative ways. Teaching them to share, and the basic fundamentals they will need for the future. Children this age group are the funnest to me, they have so many questions, they are craving to learn,seeking a new adventure every day.I want   to create an environment where they feel comfortable and inspired to learn. I also like the feeling of being needed, it gives me great satisfaction to be able to make a difference by simply being someone they can talk to, share their feelings and stories with, someone they can trust. You never know what kind of issues children have at home,for some kids school is a way to escape. I love to see children smile, laugh,clap an d get excited when they accomplish a new task. That alone brings me so much joy and keeps me motivated to be the best teacher I can be.

A Musculoskeletal Disorder Health And Social Care Essay

Biotechnologies is the survey of the correlativities between individuals and their work scenes. This involves planing or custom-making a occupation, workplace, tools, work procedures to run into the demands of its employees, non frailty versa. Here the associated or possible jeopardies are identified and eradicated. A musculoskeletal upset ( MSD ) entails an hurt, damage or unwellness impacting the articulations or other tissues of the weaponries, legs or the back. Hence ergonomics focuses on the hazard factors that increase the happening of musculoskeletal upsets and eliminates them. Biotechnologies strive to heighten the strong points and capablenesss of workers alternatively of holding them adapt to the workplace environment. These designs take into consideration the kineticss of the work force that is their age, sex, physical strength, rational ability, work experience, cultural outlooks and aspirations. ( Bellinger, 2001 ) There are general guidelines that workers need to follow with to forestall wellness jobs that occur with computing machine use. The chair used by office workers is fundamentally the most important portion of a safe working environment and its tallness should be able to be adjusted with one manus whilst seated before any other alterations to the keyboard or proctor ‘s location is done. This should besides hold lumbar support, if there is no support shock absorbers can supply same. To accomplish this topographic point a shock absorber at the curvature of the lower dorsum and on the chair. The worker ‘s pess should rest on the floor comfortably if that is non possible usage a pes remainder to make so. Use headsets if the occupation includes the frequent usage of a phone in combination with typing or composing alternatively of a phone that needs to be supported utilizing your caput and cervix. Research different manners of headsets until one that is suited or comfy for the occupation is found. Directly in forepart of the worker the proctor should be located about arm ‘s length, which is averagely eighteen- 20 eight inches ( 46 to seventy one centimetres ) off. At below oculus degree the top of the screen should be positioned. If illuming provides a blaze and is a job exchange off all overhead visible radiations and barricade off visible radiation from the Windowss. Ensure that the most luminescent visible radiation beginning comes to the side of the proctor. Lighting should be considered in the office as they create blazes that affect the proctor screen. A blaze screen to minimise the blaze on the screen should be utilized. A light with assorted control scenes to dimmer the visible radiations with undertaking lighting can be used. A undertaking visible radiation equally distributes the visible radiation throughout the room and reduces the overall lighting to cut the blaze. All these steps are to cut down oculus strain on the computing machine user. Computer users experience ocular uncomfortableness from uncorrected vision jobs that are more marked because of computing machine use, sight alterations as one age, wrong prescription spectacless or contact lens for computing machine use, bad workstation set up and lifestyle wonts like smoke, deficiency of slumber. The worker ‘s carpus should be at a heterosexual, natural place when typewriting, avoid flexing up or down or to either side. The keyboard and proctor should be centered in forepart of the worker ‘s organic structure. Maintain an vertical place when seated, thighs should be kept horizontal with articulatio genuss and hips at the same degree and throughout working your forearms should be degree or tilted up somewhat. To help in cut downing the emphasis on your carpuss and place a wrist remainder should be used, with the custodies and carpuss kept above it. Ensure that interruptions are taken by resting the heels or thenars of the custodies alternatively of the carpus. At the side of the keyboard the mouse should be kept in an easy accessible place. The carpus should be in a natural and comfy location whilst utilizing the mouse. Tools or objects that are used for work should be kept within easy range to avoid over stretching. To avoid this base up and make for needful points that can non be accessed whilst seated. There are measurement specifications for the desk which is at least 19 inches deep, 30 inches broad and based on the workers height up to thirty four inches high. Do non hive away any points under the desk so that the legs, articulatio genuss and thighs are clear. Some chairs are excessively high and pess do non make the flat on the floor, contemplate the usage of a pes remainder. Set up work station so that one does non hold to make over their shoulder. Encourage workers to change their work undertakings. Ensure that workers take interruptions from their work to alleviate oculus strain and weariness. Provide holders for paperss to ease easiness of responsibilities public presentation. The worker should seek to avoid feeling stressed when utilizing computing machines particularly when their occupation demands do non fit their computing machine user ‘s cognition, resources and abilities. If these conditions and other more elaborate guidelines are non followed so assorted wellness jobs can happen. Harmonizing to Bellinger ( 2001 ) the following tabular array contains these wellness jobs with their preventive steps. Disorder ( Body Part Affected ) Description Symptoms Lending Factors Normally Recommended Preventive Measures Bursitis ( Joints ) Swelling or annoyance of the fluid filled sac beneath the sinews ( Bursa ) . Pain and stiffness exacerbated by motion. Injury or overexploitation during work. Often occurs in persons, who are ill conditioned, have bad position, or utilize the affected limb in an awkward position. Reduce or avoid the activity that caused the issue. Use proper placement during the activity to forestall reoccurrence. Bursitis – Shoulder ( Shoulder/Upper Arm ) Swelling of one of the Bursa, located in the shoulder between the sinews and the caput of the humerus bone. Pain and stiffness aggravated by motion. Injury or overexploitation during work or drama. Often occurs in persons, who are ill conditioned, have bad position, or utilize the affected limb in an awkward position. Reduce or avoid the activity that caused the issue. Use proper placement during the activity to forestall reoccurrence. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( Hand/Wrist ) Compaction of the average nervus in the carpal tunnel of the carpus. Numbness, prickling, and hurting in the carpus, pollex, index, center and pealing fingers – non the small finger. Early symptoms frequently wake people in the center of the dark. May besides include swelling, failing or awkwardness in the manus. Arm lift, adduction, and rotary motion. Reduce work done above shoulder degree. Computer Vision Syndrome ( Eyes ) Eye and vision jobs related to near work, experienced during or related to computing machine usage. Eyestrain, blurred near or distant vision, concern, dry or annoyed eyes, cervix or back achings, light sensitiveness, or dual vision. Rapid, frequently repeated finger motions, inordinate carpus divergences, inordinate or repeated forceful pinching and grasping. Swelling from next jobs may besides worsen or convey on carpal tunnel syndrome. Reduce or extinguish insistent work, wrist divergences, and forceful pinching and grasping. Avoiding or cut downing the activity that is doing the symptoms frequently alleviates symptoms in mild instances. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome ( Elbow/Ring and Little Fingers ) Compaction of the ulnar nervus below the notch of the cubitus. Often occurs in combination with median epicondylitis. Numbness, prickling and hurting in the ring and small fingers. May include awkwardness and failing in the manus. Besides frequently consequences in elbow hurting on the interior of the arm. Resting the cubitus on difficult surfaces or crisp borders, inordinate flexure of the cubitus making tenseness on the nervus. Avoid or cut down contact stressors or drawn-out force per unit area on the nervus. Avoid direct injury to the nervus. DeQuervain ‘s Disease/ Tenosynovitis ( Wrist and Forearm ) Irritation of the sinews on the side of the carpus which moves the pollex, and at the base of pollex. Pain and swelling on the side of the carpus and forearm merely above the pollex. Combined forceful gripping and manus distortion. Reduce force to custodies. Keep custodies in impersonal positions. Dry Eye Syndrome ( Eyes ) The diminution in the quality or measure of cryings that bathe the oculus. Dry, ruddy, or annoyed eyes, contact lens uncomfortableness, or inordinate physiological reaction lacrimation. Decreased wink rate. High regard angle. Dry office environment. Take a interruption every 30 proceedingss and look 30 pess off for 30 seconds. Epicondylitis Medial Epicondylitis ( Golfer ‘s Elbow ) Lateral Epicondylitis ( Tennis Elbow ) Irritation or redness of the bumps ( epicondyles ) on either the exterior or interior of the cubitus or environing tissues. Medial is on the interior of cubitus and sidelong on the exterior of the cubitus. Tenderness and hurting at the affected site. May besides include hurting in the forearm musculuss. Unaccustomed strenuous activity or inordinate emphasis of the forearm musculuss or sinews that bend or straighten the carpus and manus. Reduce or avoid activities that require usage of the flexor musculuss in a bending gesture or hold oning with the manus. Lumbosacral Strain/ Sprain ( Spine ) Abnormal divergences of alliance that cause compaction to the bony constructions and tenseness on musculuss and ligaments. Low back hurting and possible hurting in the legs. Faulty alliance, standing for long periods, unguarded forward bending, sudden forceful motion. Besides hapless conditioning, improper usage, fleshiness, and smoke. Reduce inactive burden, transporting, manual stuff handling, and hapless back positions. When lifting, usage right lifting and traveling techniques and acquire aid if an object is excessively heavy or an awkward size or form. Sciatica ( Lower Back/ Legs ) Pain along the class of the sciatic nervus, which runs from the lower back down the dorsum of the legs. Trouble extends down the posterior thigh and lower leg to the sole of the pes and along the sidelong facet of the lower leg to the back of the pes. Pressure on one or more of the nervus roots lending to the sciatic nervus. Mechanical factor of compaction or tenseness. Pain frequently occurs following an unusual motion or effort that causes a tear in one or more of the intervertebral phonograph record. Reduce or avoid manual stuff handling. Avoid lifting and distortion at the same clip. Avoid sitting in a slouched position. Tendinitis ( Joints ) Inflammation or annoyance of a sinew. Tendons attach musculuss to castanetss. Occurs most frequently in the flexor and extensor sinews of the fingers, pollex, forearm, cubitus, or shoulder. Symptoms can run from specific hurting, stiffness, stringency, and firing esthesiss to a deep, nonspecific hurting. Grasp can be impaired. Injury or overexploitation during work or drama. Often occurs in persons, who are ill conditioned, have bad position, or utilize the affected limb in an awkward position. Reduce or avoid the activity that caused the issue. Use proper placement during the activity to forestall reoccurrence. Tendinitis ( Elbow ) Elbow sinew redness. See tendinitis. Insistent forceful efforts of forearm, rotary motions around elbow joint. Reduce manus fasteners. Tendinitis ( Wrist ) Inflammation and thickener of the sinews in the carpus. See tendinitis. Forceful ulnar divergence and thumb force per unit area, insistent carpus gesture, forceful carpus extension, and pronation. Reduce repeats, hapless positions, and forceful gestures. Tension Neck Syndrome ( Neck ) Irritation of the levator shoulder blade and trapezium, all musculuss of the cervix. Causes tightening of the musculuss in the cervix. Neck stiffness every bit good as concerns. Concerns are frequently described as a force per unit area esthesis around the caput. Pain may construct and escalate at the terminal of twenty-four hours. Lateral, inactive motion of the caput and cervix – flexure or extension of the cervix. Ensure proper cervix positions, correct working highs, and adjust ocular cues. Tendinitis ( Elbow ) Elbow sinew redness. See tendinitis. Insistent forceful efforts of forearm, rotary motions around elbow joint. Reduce manus fasteners. Implementing biotechnologies into the workplace is to a company ‘s addition, it is good concern as it assists in maximising the staff ‘s potency. Not merely must direction see the demand for biotechnologies but staff must be sensitized to these preventive steps. Workers excessively must cognize what biotechnologies wholly entails and appreciate its values in the workplace. This sensitisation can happen through assorted educational preparations steps like workshops, in-services and classs. Throughout this study it has been shown how critical biotechnologies is and the wellness jobs associated to same if these preventive steps are non complied with.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Did Penicillin Help the Allies Win Wwii?

How did Penicillin help the Allies win WWII? Branna Prine Word Count: 1,894 Table of Contents Plan of the Investigation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Summary of Evidence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4-5 Evaluation of Sources†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7-9 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 0 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 A. Plan of the Investigation The scope of the investigation concerned the magnitude of penicillin and how it helped the allies win World War II (WWII). The researcher scrutinized the invention and process in which penicillin came to be, the different types of penicillin we have and use today, how it was used to help us more than any other drug in history at one point, and how it came to save thousands of lives in WWII. The researcher’s method was to use multiple primary resources such as articles written by scholars, medical professionals, and historical investigators. The evidence that was found was evaluated and observed for origin, value, and purpose of penicillin and its use in WWII. B. Summary of Evidence In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the first natural mold of Penicillin(Tames 5). Even though his â€Å"creation† was mostly on accident, Fleming had been itching to discover a new â€Å"wonder drug† since he first became interested in being a scientist(5). Though the knowledge of disease causing bacteria was somewhat understood at the time, medical researchers had yet to find a chemical able to rid the body of the potent bacteria while not harming the body at the same time. Fleming’s first form of Penicillin was just what was needed to kick off the ultimate breakthrough of medicine. Even then, it wasn’t until another decade after this discovery that people really started needing and using Penicillin to save lives(History of Penicillin). Although Fleming is credited with this important discovery, it took the start of WWII to pursue medical scientists to strengthen the effect the drug had on people. It’s all thanks to a total of 39 different groups of scientists that hundreds of thousands of fighting men’s lives were saved(World War II and Peoria). Penicillin was considered to be the war’s official wonder drug because of the unbelievable effects it had on infections and deadly diseases. The use of this drug is what made WWII different from any previous war(World War II and Peoria). Before Penicillin was introduced to the allies of the war, soldiers rapidly died from infections such as Staphylococcal(staff), streptococcal(strep), and pneumococcal(pneumonia) (World War II and Peoria). Since death was the ultimate outcome of these infectious diseases, the number of available soldiers to fight dropped immensely and expeditiously. Due to the shortage of men, sergeants called for men to be recruited no matter their experience; as long as they were 18 years old(Inside WWII). That then led to more deaths of young cadets because of the lack of knowledge of what to do on the battle field. At that point of time, the allies came to the conclusion that what they needed was a wonder drug ready to use when needed. That’s when Howard Florey and Ernst Chain were forced in with their team of scientists to use Fleming’s Penicillin mold and improve it to where it cured a grown man of a life threatening infection or disease; and make a quantity of hundreds of thousands(World War II and Peoria). After a total of 39 separate drug laboratories in the U. S. ad given their all to synthesize inorganic Penicillin, in 1941, they created a version 20 times more potent than what they started out with in 1939(22). By the autumn of 1943 the war doctors were using the drug on only American and Allied military patients with life-threatening infections. Since a single infection usually called for two million units of Penicillin(single ampoules held 100,000 units), rati oning who got what treatment was crucial(World War II and Peoria). The scientists shortly discovered that, while the new version of Penicillin was of very good quality, their new focus needed to be directed on quantity of the drug. By 1945, the team of scientists brilliantly came up with an amazingly effective technique that supplied the allies with 7,952 billion units of the strongest possible version of penicillin at the time(World War II and Peoria). Though the injections were painful(the needles had to be large enough to allow the medicine to flow through) and had to be given every four hours, soldiers agreed it was worth being able to live and continue fighting to the victory of WWII(23). By the end of it all, the magnificent wonder drug saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of warriors and even more citizens in the U. S. and has continued to fulfill its duty all the way up to today’s time(World War II and Peoria). C. Evaluation of Sources â€Å"World War II and Peoria† was the title of the article that helped the researcher the most to come to a conclusion on how Penicillin helped the allies win WWII. The article’s purpose was to further inform people about the studies and development of penicillin during WWII. The article talked about the illnesses and wounds the soldiers fighting in WWII came in contact with and how Penicillin helped them fight and survive through it all. This particular unit differed from the rest because it did not have its focal point on how Penicillin came to be, but rather its purpose and usage in WWII. However, it did have some limitations of information on specific numbers and names of soldiers that were affected by the wonder drug. The point of view that the article used was from a college professor who had dabbled in history as well as medicine. The professor’s name was Jennifer Rosenburg and she had posted this information around 2000. The second most helpful article’s title was â€Å"Inside WWII . The purpose of the article being written was to tell a more medical side of the war as opposed to the blood and guts. Although, it still lingered on with the facts and details of the war itself too much, which limited it with important details it should have withheld about the medical side of the war. But, because of the focusing on one little part at a time problem, the researcher ended up to find it very valuable. It stated facts that were focused on the medicine during the war instead of the medicine in general. The origin of this information was found by Dr. Steven Lister. He was a doctor during the war, so this gave him a personal experience and the researcher found great value in this type of first hand information. D. Analysis During the period of penicillin gaining importance, World War II was going on. This specific war was fought from 1939 to 1945 by the Axis: Germany, Italy, and Japan; and the allies: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, India, Latvia Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, USSR, Yugoslavia, and many others(The Axis and the Allies). The war was fought by more than fifty countries in the world. The main causes of the war for the U. S. and Britain were The Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles(Wars and Battles 1939-1945). Around 1943, the Allies really started to need help because they were losing so many soldiers due to infections caused mostly by severe battle wounds which ultimately led to the being outnumbered and overtaken by the Axis. That is where Penicillin came in. Scientists spent over $2,000,000 trying to perfect and learn more about the drug(World War II and Peoria). They eventually found out that what this drug did, once successfully inserted in the body, was it located the source of the infection and fought only the harmful bacteria( Tames 15). As opposed to the other drugs, at the time, which destroyed not only dangerous bacteria, but the vital bacteria used for fighting infections naturally found in the body(16). The drug, therefore, saved over hundreds of thousands of men(World War II and Peoria). A few months after the Allies received the drug, the Axis groups started to surrender, which officially ended the war in 1945 with the Allies‘ being the victorious group(Wars and Battles 1939-1945). Under the circumstances that the allies started winning after penicillin came into the picture, that was considered to be one of the main, but least recognized, expositions for the victory of the allies. Of all the evidence the researcher has came up with to support this claim, the three main pieces of evidence are as follows: only two years after penicillin was thoroughly introduced to the war, the allies won; so many lives were saved –on and off the battlefield–how could it not have such a huge impact; and they must have known it was going to be a huge help, otherwise they would not have invested so much money in the whole process of innovating and testing the drug(World War II and Peoria). The first point was the victory of the allies shortly after penicillin came to use in the war. When they fought without the drug, the allies were losing by a drastic amount considering the vast number of men that died every day from infections on their battle wounds and had suffered without the care that penicillin provided(23). The soldiers suffered for a total of about three and a half years before they actually got penicillin shipped in that had an affect on people(World War II and Peoria). However, when they did get the wonder drug in, they spent about six months learning the different side effects, insertion ways, and preparations needed before they gave the soldiers all they needed to keep them alive and fighting(World War II and Peoria). The second point, was that there was such a large number of people saved by the drug, that it had to have made some kind of a difference in the way World War II ended. In less than a year, penicillin saved 187 lives just of people in America(21). In the war, penicillin took the death toll, caused by wound infections, from over 12 percent down to less than 1 percent on average(23). That would mean the allies side of the war would have had a 12 percent advantage over the axis in the battle at this time due to the drug keeping the soldiers dying from wound related infections. The last point stated was with all the time, money, and dedication with bettering this drug, penicillin obviously had a huge impact on World War II The U. S. spent over $2,000,000 trying to perfect the drug to make it effective enough to cure a whole army of men versus enough for one or two individual people. The money not only paid for the equipment needed, but for the 39 different groups of scientists hired to innovate and test the drug to reach the desired goal(History of Penicillin). E. Conclusion When Penicillin started out, it was but a simple form of mold. Then, When Fleming discovered it destroyed bacteria in the human body without harming the human in any way. He then had over 30 different teams of scientists work at improving this mysterious new drug to make it potent enough to help a man overcome pneumonia. After years and years of experiments and millions of dollars spent, they finally got what they had been working for. They sent as much as they could to the troops fighting WWII at the time. The doctors at the war stations gave it to the men in critical condition and the drug got them back on their feet and fighting in about a week. F. Bibliography Works Cited â€Å"The Axis and the Allies. † The Countries Who Fought in World War Two. Mandy Barrow, 2010. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"The Drug Safety. † The Drug Safety. The Drug Society, 2011. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. . â€Å"How Penicillin Came to Be. Alexander Fleming in WWII. J. Miller. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. . â€Å"Inside WWII. † History Learning Site. Chris Trueman, 2000. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. . Prine, Patricia R. â€Å"Moma's Notes. † Personal interview. 2 Oct. 2011. Tames, Richard. Penicillin: a Breakthrough in Medicine. Chicago: Heniemann Library, 2001. Print. â€Å"Wars and Battles, 1939-1945. † United States American History. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"World War II and Peoria. † 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenburg, 2001. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. . â€Å"WWII and Medicine. † Medicine in World War II. 2001. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nike Fuel Band Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nike Fuel Band - Essay Example Buyers of the product want to understand their habits more effectively, so that they can improve. Shame is one of the factors that propel buyers to make use of the device once they purchase it. If no activity is registered, the band will have a dull red dot with no other signal. Therefore, users will feel guilty about not doing enough to activate the sensors in the machine. On the other hand, one may also assume that these consumers are driven by attainment of short term goals. They want to feel good about themselves and the efforts that they have put into self improvement. It is for this reason that the band sends congratulatory messages to those persons who have attained their daily goals. Buyers of the product are also believers of scientific techniques. This device will collect data on the consumer’s fitness activities throughout the day through a combination of their movements and plyometrics. Essentially, one would not buy such a band if one did not believe in the power of science to find information about something and then build it to become a more informative insight. These are also people who are well-informed about fitness processes. Many of them know the intricacies of calorie counting as well as the implications of exercise intensity (Dent, 2012). ... Usually, the rewards come in the form of a dancing alien. While the latter may seems like an insignificant and intangible item, it is the meaning of that reward that counts. These types of consumers also long for approval from other people. Perhaps another revolutionary thing about the product is its ability to link consumers with other users though social networks. It allows persons with similar goals to share their accomplishments and thus boost each other’s morale. Such buyers relish complements from their peers. They also care about what people think regarding them. Conversely, one may look at this behavior from a different angle. Persons who purchase the band in order to connect with friends may be perceived as friendly and sociable creatures. The device could simply be a new way of spending time with their counterparts and sharing with them. They may be looking for different points of contact with each other. Buyers of the product are tech-savvy, which explains why a per son will need to use a range of other technology platforms to reap its full benefits. For instance, it depends on Bluetooth technology in order to use an application which will calculate the person’s activity rate. Additionally, consumers with ipads and ipods may also use the device in order to enjoy tracking via their applications (Nike, 2013). The product is sold for substantially more than other similar devices in the market. It goes for $150 yet a competing product is sold at $60. Regardless, of these differences, the bands were sold out during the launch. Clearly, these consumers do not focus much on price. They are more interested in the value that they can derive from the product. Purchasers have

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to Succeed in the Business World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

How to Succeed in the Business World - Essay Example ays and means that are usually taken care of whilst managing a business are aplenty and it is only up to the top management within a company that the same can be handled in a several different methods. They are the ones to decide as to what is the real manner in which the firm’s operations would be handled as well as who will head the respective departments, lead the business strategic units and act as legal and media representatives of the said business. The business, as marketers say, exists to satisfy its target audience through fulfilling a need courtesy its products and/or services or a combination of the both, the same being true in case of a retail outlet which sells gasoline to local consumers, thus giving in petrol plus extra services in the form of window cleaning, fuel gauge checks and so on and so forth. (Kennedy, 2003) With the advent of the middle management growing in stature, the need has been to categorize it separately. Now the middle management of yesteryears is known as the ‘knowledge organization’ which plays the role of the ‘brain’ within the organization. (Kaye, 2003) The mind or brain is the unit within the human body that rationalizes each and every decision in the wake of past evidences and future predictions, not to forget what is happening in the present. Thus the same role is duly played by the knowledge organization, i.e., the middle management quite professionally. A business thus has to keep track of the top management and its decisions as well as the middle power cadre too. It is with the combined efforts of the two that the business can exist smoothly and thus benefit not only its own future long term growth but also help the customer and/or stakeholders by fulfilling their needs and desires. A business does not come into its own overnight. It takes a lot of research, planning and proper execution to take it where the marketers, the business professionals and the stakeholders want it to proceed and end up as something

History of Modern Science, Galileo and Newton Essay

History of Modern Science, Galileo and Newton - Essay Example Here in this paper, both are discussed; compared and analyzed in a deep manner as per their respective works which brought about a significant change within our modern day luxuries that mankind has in the present times. Galileo was born on 15th February 1564 and is widely regarded as an Italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher of repute. He had a major hand in bringing about the scientific revolution within history. His name is synonymous with the very best in the world of innovators, physicists and thinkers since he was, is and will always remain a genius. Mankind owes a lot of gratitude to the personality of Galileo and hence the reason that he is still remembered as a hero notwithstanding a great amount of time has passed since he died – on 8th January 1642. Galileo brought to the fore his achievements in the line of improvements that he made towards the working domains of the telescope as well as the consequent astronomical observations with added support for the sake of Copernicanism. Without a doubt, this formed the basis as to why he was regarded as the "father of modern observational astronomy", the "father of modern physics", â€Å"the father of Modern Scienceâ €  and the "father of science." Galileo studied the motion of uniformly accelerated objects which is usually there in all school and college curricula. The physics courses have special mention of such objects and it comes especially under the heading of kinematics. Galileo made contributions towards the field of observational astronomy which has entailed within it the discovery of the four largest satellites that Jupiter has and named as the Galilean moons. This was so done to give him honor and respect for his work. He also studied the sunspots, firstly made an observation regarding them and then analyzing them in the end. Further, he worked tirelessly towards the related fields of applied science and technology. (Shea & Artigas, 2003) On the other hand, Sir

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Old School Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Old School Research - Essay Example There are several forms, which land pollution can occur. This includes spilling of oil, using of farming chemicals, illegal dumping in the natural habitat areas, nuclear accidents and radiation spilling, loitering along the road and damages caused as a result of mining (Best, 31). Land pollution leads to deforestation, destroying the natural habitat that is occupied by wildlife and damages to the natural resources. This result too many negativities such as degradation of the country’s economy. Therefore, people should avoid the possible causes of land pollution. This will result to an attractive, clean environment (Peirce, 64). This is the contamination of water bodies. As a result, it leads to the death of aquatic animals and leads to health complications in human beings. Some of the reasons that are leading to water pollution include, emptying of sewage and dumping of harmful substances to river streams, Waste pills from industries that lead to contamination of underground waters (Best, 65). Others are biologically related such as bacteria cloth and therefore, water should be treated before being consumed. This is the contamination of air by emission of smoke and other harmful gases such as sulphur and nitrogen. Air pollution results to health complications such as asthma. The causes of pollution are nuclear accidents, exhaust fumes emitted by vehicles and the burning of fossil fuels. Improper lighting in communities that result in visibility of stars and planets at night leads to light pollution. These are street lightings shining their light in all directions rather than directing their light towards the streets and the unnecessary lighting in homes. Effects of lighting lead to disrupting the sleeping cycle and corrupt kids curious nature (Peirce, 88). Increasing of temperatures due to human activities leads to thermal pollution. These are the areas with vehicles and concretes or generally, a busy town this can also be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Caring for Populations Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Caring for Populations Part 1 - Essay Example Basically, nursing is concerned with human health and since the community has become a setting for constant illness, it has become the duty of a nurse to work for the well being of the community. Community Health Nursing refers to nursing outside hospitals or such institutions. It can be perceived as â€Å"nursing without walls† (Clemen-Stone et al., 2002, p. 31). Nurses in the community are in a position to work towards helping the families and population of unfamiliar and remote areas by making ethical and valued decisions. The US population, apart from showing a trend of increase, is also becoming more diverse. Thus, the need for a change in the healthcare system in this country is imperative because a large number of communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS are prevalent among the population, especially young adults. Therefore, there is an urgent need for health care authorities, local bodies as well as citizens to focus on the causes and effects of such health problems in young adults and design suitable preventive measures through Community Health Nursing. The young adult population has become a group that carries a set of problems and they have been identified as undergoing a decline in moral values as they are pleasure seekers, which result in the transmission of diseases due to unsafe sexual activities and drug usage. This issue is universal and the respective communities cannot absolve themselves from the responsibility for this. Many of the youngsters in age group of 10-29 are identified as unhealthy. About one third of this community is also obese or overweight. Most of the males in this category smoke and another major part of them drink. On the other hand, females become victims of teenage pregnancy and transmission of infectious diseases. Studies have proved that many of the young people, especially the minor groups, ail health problems because they fear to seek healthcare and they do not have much knowledge about the health services avail able. They are the group who are badly affected by HIV/AIDS. Female includes a large share of HIV/AIDS cases among teens than the other adults. This clearly indicates a lack of community involvement in healthcare of population, and a nurse has to play a key role in this environment by creating awareness in the local population about the gravity of the situation and by creating awareness in the community about the significance of preventing diseases. Studies also reveal that 1% to 5% of suicide prevails among adolescents and young adults. The tendency to commit suicide in the population derives from depression and lack of motivation or a sense of life. Thus, the community, including parents has a vital role to play in showing the right direction to the young generation and ensuring their physical as well as mental well being. A community based approach will be of immense help for the prevention of such youth suicides and providing them proper mental health. Female students have been found to be comparatively more likely than male students to have thought about committing suicide and have planned to commit suicide. There are also cases of suicide which requires medical attention. Community health nursing can provide counseling for such individuals and assure them the support to and create awareness in them about the relevance of social life and instill in them a sense of the worth of living a good life. The Youth Risk

Monday, September 23, 2019

ER patient intake and hipaa training update Research Paper

ER patient intake and hipaa training update - Research Paper Example Very often ER rooms become crowed with the patient’s family members. Eventually, in such circumstances it becomes extremely tough and stressful for the ER staffs to manage and provide necessary treatment facilities to the patients. ER staff frequently deals directly with the individual in crisis (University of California, 2012). The ER staff members are supposed to work in a charged and stressful atmosphere which is further overloaded with numerous sensory stimuli such as rushing of people, ringing of phones and other related activities. Atmosphere inside the emergency room is something that always demands urgency of work and rush. The ER staffs are always busy in treating patients or in rapid disposition of not so serious or extremely serious patients to other rooms in order to make more space for those patients in more critical condition. Moreover, the ER staff members must be able to distinguish patients who have minored illnesses and who have critical illnesses in order to provide treatment on sequential basis (Phipps, 1988). Contextually, the training will be provided to the staffs associated with the ER department of HIPAA. Moreover, the training will be offered to healthcare providers, business associates, professionals dealing with mental health and people making support team in the healthcare information. Training will be provided by the group of experts in the respective field with the use of latest technologies. The training will aim at developing a less stressful environment for augmenting the efficiencies of the ER staffs. The training should also be provided to ER staffs in matter relating as how and when to access Protected Health Information (PHI) as well as how to maintain confidentiality about the pivotal PHI. Part 2 Organization Analysis HIPAA is responsible for providing training to the employees, agents and volunteers of the organizations that constitute a â€Å"covered entity† under the Act. The training offered in HIPAA incl udes its rules, policies, and manipulation of its information systems, along with privacy protections, violation procedures and many more (Northwest Fire District, 2011). HIPAA educational courses served to the staffs focus on the key areas including confidentiality of the patients’ information and its usage. HIPAA also provide computer training to the different groups of the employees for effective management of the patient’s health information. However, even after such efficient training program, ER staffs are unable to render effective service in patients care and in matters related with PHI confidentiality. Hence, it becomes necessary for the HIPAA to develop its training methods and programs, especially those concerning ER staffs. Task Analysis Essentially, the HIPAA training task is designed to train employees towards ensuring careful utilization of patient’s health information. Hence, it can be affirmed that HIPAA aims to provide training to ER staffs in managing the patients’ information according to the norms established with this concern. HIPAA training program is considered as cost effective for the â€Å"covered entity† employees with regard to privacy and security requirement under the Act. Personal Analysis The training provided by the HIPAA may change the way in which an individual performs his/her job. After completion of the training phase, employees offered with a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Notes on Cry Essay Example for Free

Notes on Cry Essay The dance’s intent is to portray the struggle strength of the African American women who were in the slave trade; how women so enslaved trapped can still manage to be so free. â€Å"I heard about lynching’s, Having that kind of experience as a child left a feeling of rage in me that I think pervades my work† Alvin Ailey. â€Å"She rises again to wear the cloth as a shawl, then steps on its ends as if bound by it to the ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"The final posture mirrors the opening posture of the dance, suggesting a cyclical inevitable progression of frustration and despair†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Ailey has abstracted this narrative to portray the woman’s despair. BEEN ON A TRAIN The use of the percussive piano accents in relation to movement. For example, the dynamic emphasis of the gestures Ailey uses. â€Å"The power of Cry emanates from its defiantly shifting images of identity in its first section, the bottomless abyss of sorrow approached in its second section and the transcendent quality of ecstatic faith engaged in the third section.† â€Å" Cry became emblematic as an act of simultaneous defiance and release. As a depiction of contemporary African American  identity, the dance liberated audience and dancer in its  modernistic layering of movement genres, especially its  conspicuous use of neoAfrican  body part isolations.† In this work there are three distinct sections and for each new section, there is a new song that is played. The songs used in this work are ‘Something About John Coltrane’ by Alice Coltrane, ‘Been On A Train’ by Laura Nyro and ‘Right On. Be Free.’ by The Voices Of East Harlem. In a couple of these songs the word ‘north’ is used quite a bit. My personal  interpretation is that these slaves perhaps saw freedom and/or refuge in North America, wished to be there but something stopped them. She clearly demonstrated Ailey’s mother’s struggles as well as any other African American woman’s struggles at the time as a slave to their fight for freedom.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects Of The One Child Policy In China Sociology Essay

Effects Of The One Child Policy In China Sociology Essay As the most populous country in the world, the Peoples Republic of China has been adopting the One-Child Policy since 1979 in order to improve the problem of overpopulation which is seen as an obstacle of the growth and development of the country. While the Chinese Government emphasizes its achievements of population control in China, the controversial policy has been widely criticized for its negative influences. This paper presents the One-Child Policys effects on the position of women. Womens position in this paper is basically defined by womens rights, freedom, respectability and social status .I will first briefly introduce the policy, then analyze both the positive and negative impacts with relevant data and statistics, and lastly come to a conclusion. The Policy and Population Growth Introduced in 1978 and implemented since 1979, the One-Child Policy is a family planning policy adopted by the Chinese Government in order to improve Chinas over-rapid population as to prevent its unfavourable effects on economic and social development of the country.(Information Office of the State Council Of the Peoples Republic of China 1995) The policy restricts married urban Chinese couples from having more than one child by imposing monetary penalties on families with extra children yet exemptions are allowed for couples who belong to ethnic minorities, live in rural area or do not have any siblings.(BBC News 2000) The One-Child Policy is considered successful in terms of its control on Chinas population growth as the birth rate in the county has been greatly decreasing since the introduction of the policy. (see Figure 1) Compared with 1970, in 1994 the birth rate dropped from 33.43 per thousand to 17.7 per thousand; the natural growth rate, from 25.83 per thousand to 11.21 per thousand; and the total fertility rate of women, from 5.81 to around 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦According to statistics supplied by the United Nations, Chinas population growth rate has already been markedly lower than the average level of other developing countries. (Information Office of the State Council Of the Peoples Republic of China 1995) Figure 1. Changes in the total fertility rate in China Source: National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (2006) Violation of Womens Reproductive Rights Despite its success in population control, the One-Child Policy gives rise to criticisms among which one lies in its violation of womens reproductive rights. Reproductive rights are a subset of human rights first recognized at the United Nations International Conference on Human Rights in Teheran on 13th May 1986. According to the 16th article of the Proclamation of Teheran, Parents have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of their children. Dixon-Mueller (1993: 12) suggests that reproductive rights can be defined as three types: 1. the freedom to decide how many children to have and when (or whether) to have them; 2. the right to have the information and means to regulate ones fertility; 3. the right to control ones own body. Reproductive freedom is the core of individual self-determination. The One-Child Policy does not only violate womens rights by limiting the number of their children but also leads to forced abortions in the country. Under the enforced policy, every 2.4 seconds there is a woman undergoing a forced abortion in China and this makes a total of about 35,000 abortions per day. (Phillips 2010: 1) Abortion is legal in China and as reported in China Daily in 2009, 13 millions of abortions are performed in China every year, which largely exceeds those performed in other countries such as the United States and Canada. (see Figure 2). There is a direct relationship between the One-Child Policy and Chines abortion rate. PostenYaukey (1992: 290) point out that the abortion rate in China increased by nearly 50% between 1978 and 1979 when the policy started being implemented. It is widely known that abortions can cause women health problems, not to mention its negative impacts on emotional and mental health. Ms. Reggie Littlejohn, president of Womens Rights Without Frontiers, criticized that The one child policy causes more violence toward women and girls than any other policy on the face of the earth. (Jiang 2009) Figure2. Abortion statistics in China, U.S.A., U.K., Canada and Australia Source: Jiang (2009) Unwanted Daughters and Sex-Selective Abortions A saying among peasants in China goes like this:The birth of a boy is welcomed with shouts of joy and firecrackers, but when a girl is born, the neighbours say nothing(WestleyChoe 2007: 2) In spite of Chinas modernization over the past decades, it is still common for Chinese parents to prefer sons to daughters. (Wang 1999: 197) Such a preference indirectly leads to sex-selective abortions as female fetuses are usually considered less precious than male ones, especially if the couples are allowed to have only one child. With fetal screening technologies such as ultrasound, amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling, the sex of unborn fetuses can be recognized before their birth. Such technologies and available abortions result in the possibility that couples selectively abort female fetuses in the hope of having a son instead.(WestleyChoe 2007: 3) Beside sex-selective abortions, Chinas infant mortality rate is another thing to look into. Generally the mortality of male infants is expected to be greater than that of female ones as male infants are biologically weaker than female infants.(Li, 2007: 2) This assumption is also proved by the worlds infant mortality rate by sex.(See Table 1) However, as shown in Table 2, China goes in the reverse direction. It is believed that this unusual tendency is caused by female infanticides and daughter abandonments resulting from the son preference. Table 1. Worlds infant mortality rate by sex 1980-2010 Source: United Nations Population Division (2010) Table 2. Chinas infant mortality rate by sex 1980-2010 Source: United Nations Population Division (2010) Gender Imbalance Blessing or Curse? Together with the increasing female infant mortality, there is a rising trend of the sex ratio in China since the implement of the One-Child Policy.(See Figure 3) It is estimated by the State Population and Family Planning Commission that there will be 30 million more Chinese man than Chinese women in 2020. (BBC News 2007) Because of the supply-and-demand law that supply decreases t and demand remains unchanged then the value of supply increase, some people assume that if there are less women in China their values and social status should naturally rise. However, this law would make sense only if the demand of women was high. Poon(2008) points out that when women become the minority in a male-preponderant society like China, China may face a period of unprecedented male aggression, which would likely render women as victims and womens status even more precarious and vulnerable to subjugation. Figure 3. Rising sex ratio and excess female infant mortality in China Source: Sun (2005) Womens Empowerment The Mistaken Focus It is always emphasized by the Chinese Government that the One-Child Policy helps promoting womens empowerment and improving womens position as they are freed from heavy burdens brought about by having many children(National Population and Family Planning Commission of China 2006). This claim contains two causal relations: 1) Because of the One-Child Policy women have fewer children. 2) Women have fewer children so they can spend more time on their career. Both of them make sense in a large extent, but is the One-Child Policy a must to control the number of womens children? Probably no. Despite that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the PRC, the One-Child Policy is never implemented in the city, where the social position of women is relatively high. As shown in Figure 4, the fertility rate of Hong Kong kept dropping even and was even lower than that of China. Of course one can argue that there are various factors contributing to Hong Kongs low fertility rate, yet one can also question whether the One-Child Policy is the only factor causing the decline in fertility rate and the rise of womens position. Figure 4. Fertility rates from 1960-2005 in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and East Asia Pacific Source: The United Families International (2010) The Single Child Generation The One-Child Policy does not only aim to decrease the birthrate but also to improve the quality of the new generation, the future pillars of China. It is commonly believed that having single daughters will raise the position of women as their parents provide them with better and more concentrated resources such as education and materials. It may be true in some ways, but Greenhalgh(2007.) points out that the One-Child Policy has produced the most materially and educationally privileged generation of young people in Chinese history who are spoiled and egocentric. Having been the focus of attention from the family throughout their growing-up years, these children are more dependent on others and easily hurt psychologically.(China Daily 2005) The new single-child generation in China has already concerning Chinese from the older generation. Do better resources necessarily create a better generation? If it does not, how can we expect a decline in qualities of children (both male and fema le) will result in better positions of women? Conclusion The One-Child Policy was claimed to be a short-term measure when it was first introduced in China.(Hesketh, Li Zhu 2005) Now that the policy has already been implemented for three decades, its negative consequences eventually appear and have aroused worries from the society. The policy negatively affects womens position as it violate womens rights and enhances the existing favoritism towards male children and it is not coming to an end yet. According to Zhao Baige, deputy director of the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, although it is said that the policy has been slowly being relaxed ,Chinas family-planning policy will remain unchanged until at least 2015. (Kumar 2010) (1631 words)

Friday, September 20, 2019

South African Forced Removals History Essay

South African Forced Removals History Essay In South Africa, apartheid was an important factor in the forced removal of many innocent South Africans, due to the color of their skin. Throughout the 1900s the struggle between segregation and equality was brought to attention, affecting almost every aspect of a black South Africans life. Equality was a struggle starting as far back as the 1600s, when white settlers first came to Africa establishing white supremacy over the black majority, rendering them helpless. From the causes, to the effects upon the civilians, the forced removals majorly affected the present day South Africa. There are many causes as to why the forced resettlement of blacks was conveyed by the government. The apartheid more or less originated back in 1652 when white settlers first arrived in South Africa. This history did impact the way the laws and policies were enforced later on 1948 on by the nationalist party. In 1910, the Union was formed. After this, the territorial segregation the white settlers had impressed was put in law with the 1913 Black Land Act. The Black Land Act limited the areas black Africans could occupy through ownership or rent, basically to the Bantustans reserves, which made up 7% of the total land area of South Africa. This act would become the basic land policy of South Africa up until the end of the resettlement. The Act also made the number of migrant laborers increase, since most of the industries and mines, which was and still is the main source of income for Africans, were occupied by black workers, but were located on white land. In 1936, due to the large a mount of blacks enforced into the reserves, the Development Trust and Black Land Act added land to the reserves. The total land area increased from 7% to 13% land area for blacks, and 87% owned by whites (Henard). During the 1930s and 40s, the amount of money blacks were paid in urban areas was considerably better than that of rural, and this began a migration of black Africans into urban areas. This countered the wants of the dominant agricultural capitalists, who needed a good, cheap work force during the agricultural boom of the 1950s. Thus began the move towards forced removals, to keep blacks out of white urban areas. This need for the removal was the implementation of the Bantustan (Homeland) Policy. The Bantustans consisted of a set of ten tribes, known as homelands. Bantustans were territories set aside for the black inhabitants of South Africa that were unofficially independent. The Bantustan Policy was directed towards rural, urban, and Bantustan resettlement. These resett lements were to direct blacks from designated white urban land and areas, which led to a superfluous amount of farm laborers. In 1950, the Group Area Act was put into action. The Group Area Act mandated residential segregation throughout South Africa. Over 860,000 Africans were forcibly moved to divide and control racially-separate communities. Multiple multi-racial communities were destroyed by the government using things such as bulldozers, and other machinery. To further enforce the eviction of blacks to the Bantustan reserves, the white government created the Prevention of illegal Squatting Act in 1951. An illegal squatter by definition was someone living illegally on land without permission from the land owner. They also extended that to even with permission from the owner; they could still be convicted and ejected by the authority. Illegal squatters were removed to the Bantustans. As time progressed, black political organizations such as the African National Congress and Pan A frican Congress were banned from interference. Whites dominated in politics and economy, strategically dividing black majority into small townships with separate political structures. Having them divided kept them from coming together and forming their own ideologies and political ideas. This also prevented them from doing any type of resistance against the white dominated government. Overall there were many events leading up to the forced removals. By the beginning of the 1980s, almost 60% of the African population was based in the Bantustans (source 2). The black spots, or communities the blacks were forced into, were overcrowded and unsanitary. These communities more or less became the dumping grounds for unwanted blacks, namely the elderly, women and children. By forcing these Africans into overcrowded settlements, they prevented them from having political or economic advantage over the whites. As a result of the enforced removal of blacks from white urban and most rural areas, the black majority (87% of the total population) was refocused into the 13% of Bantustan land reserves, by white authoritative (MSU). Places such as Sophiatown in Johannesburg (1955-63), and District 6 in Cape Town (beginning in 1958) were evicted from their homes. If blacks were to rebel or resist movement, they were forcibly moved, as demonstrated in 1985 over a period of four days, in Crossroads, South Africa. Blacks were being removed to a new tow nship that was government run called Khayelitsha. Their peaceful demonstration turned violent, causing 18 civilians to be killed, and 230 injured. Between the periods of 1960 to 1983, 3 million black Africans were moved. After the institution of the Bantustan Policy, places such as Dimbaza, Illinge, and Saba on the Eastern Cape became overcrowded and infertile. At first the Africans did nothing, but beginning in the 1980s popular resistance to the removals was widespread amongst the migrated. The resistance was massively influenced by Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, who both stood for the end of apartheid and segregation. Gandhi represented peaceful movement and protest, while Nelson Mandela rooted strongly for changing the type of government and the people controlling it, allowing blacks into the political loop. By the 1980s, the crumble of forced removals began to take place. There was widespread resistance, along with massive amounts of unemployed blacks living largely in poverty. In 1990, the African National Congress was finally unbanned, along with Nelson Mandela freedom. Working together, they were able to hold the first multiracial democratic elections in 1994. Upon this success, the African Nation Congress dominated with 62% majority of the vote. Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa after 28 long years in prison by the parliament, therefore actively ending apartheid and bringing back equality to South Africa. The Bantustan reserves were later incorporated back into the country of South Africa as a whole. Even after it ended, a great amount of the blacks that were forced into small townships remained there, out of the result that they had no work or money to leave for or with. Bantustan reserves are ridden with poverty and crime, due to the forced removals. South African forced removals had a large effect on the current state of South Africa. Starting as early as the first white settlers in Africa from Europe, blacks were faced with apartheid and white supremacy for many long years. Over three million Africans were forced from their homes, having to move to overcrowded, infertile, and unsanitary areas so that the white and blacks would stay separated. This separation was made legal through a series of laws, policies, and acts by the white dominated government. The struggle for equality and erosion of apartheid was a long and continuous process, but finally came to an end in the early 1990s.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Refrigirator and Todays Technology Essays -- Research Essays

The Refrigirator and Today's Technology Technology is omnipresent in our world. People often equate this saturation of technology to an increase in the standard of living, rarely, however, do they dissect the effects of specific technologies on fundamental behavior, like eating, sleeping and interacting with others. To explore the direct and indirect effects of a specific "advancement" is to uncover how and why people, Americans more specifically, have been converted from their puritanical ways to consumers, and what careers have been sacrificed for the goal of a supposed increase in luxury and free time. The refrigerator, for example, is an item in use in over 80 million homes in America alone. (Krantzburg 187-189) once considered a luxury afforded only by the wealthy, today nearly all American homes are equipped with what is perceived a "necessity". History The concept of refrigeration is not a new one. Refrigeration by means of natural ice has been employed for thousands of years. Ice cellars were used in China as early as 1000 b. c. (Grolier 331-334). More recently, natural ice refrigeration became a large scale industry in the United States in the 19th century. Many New Englanders, for example, quarried natural ice from frozen lakes and ponds and stored it in insulated icehouses. In warm seasons the ice was shipped to markets in the south. Not only did people quarry the ice, but they also had to deliver it homes, thus resulting in the neighborhood iceman. Families developed relationships with the men who delivered the ice which they so depended upon. For the children especially, it was considered a treat for the iceman to shave them off a piece of ice, because it was an expensive specialty. Just as the iceman p... grows. Works Cited Anton, Charles. "Kooltron; Portable Refrigerator." Sports Afield. Mag.Coll.: 75 D4747 (Aug 1994) Online. Infotrac. 18 Oct 1997 Cardwell, D. Turning Points in Western Technology. New York: Science History Publications, 1972 Jones, Joseph "American Ice Boxes." Encyclopedia Americana Vol 23. Grolier Inc. (1996) Krafft, Susan "The Heart of the Home." American Demographics. v14 (Jun 1992) Online. Proquest. 16 October 1997 Kranzberg, Melvin. Technology in Western Civilization. New York. Oxford University Press, 1967 Meier, Alan. "News About Refrigerator Energy Savings." Consumers' Research Magazine. v76n3 (Mar 1993) Online. Infotrac. 14 October 1997 Wandersee, Winifred. "The Economics of Middle-Income Family Life: Working Women During the Depression." 16A-04039 (1978) Online. America: History and Life. 18 October 1997

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

French Revolution Essay -- essays research papers

The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. Although there were several factors that made the French Revolution possible, such as population growth, the expansion of the middle classes, and the rise of an informed public, there were three immediate causes of the Revolution. One was the diminished authority of the royal government. Another was the revolt by the nobility, who sensed a weakening monarchy. The third cause was the crop failure. The government of France was in a financial crisis. The country was deeply in debt from the financing of the wars of Louis XIV. To deal with the nation’s economic problems, Louis XVI called for a meeting of the Estates General in 1789. The Estates General was made up of representatives from each of the three social classes, or Estates. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, the Second Estate consisted of the nobility, and the Third Estate consisted of the commoners. The Third Estate, which made up 98 percent of the population of France, was underrepresented. Since the Estates General had to vote separately and by order, the Third Estate would almost always be outvoted by the First Estate and the Second Estate who would get to vote first. Because of this, the Third Estate wanted its traditional number of representatives to be doubled so that it matched the other two orders put together. When Louis XVI refused their demand, the Third Estate, led by Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes, changed its name to the Nation...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Urban Sprawl and Motorization

Increasing urban sprawl and motorization have become leading causes of environmental and social problems in recent years throughout the world, particularly in cities of developing countries. Urban sprawl is the disorderly expansion of urban areas, especially resulting from real estate development on the out skirts of a city. Motorization, which is linked to urban sprawl, can be defined as the increasing use of motor vehicles. Although motor vehicles offer some benefits such as convenience, their use results in environmental and social problems. All sorts of people are concerned about this issue, and making some suggestion to solve these problems. This essay will describe six solutions for the environment and social problems, and demonstrate that land management, reducing car use and using hydroponics or aeroponic technology are more effective way to confront these issues. Climate change, which is caused by motorization and urban sprawl, is one of the most significant problems. Urban sprawl results in more energy use in transportation, and it also use in large homes on the urban fringe which leads to more heating and cooling. This creates global warming gases such as carbon dioxide into the air. There are two solutions that offer different degrees of effect for the problem of climate change. Nuclear technologies are one solution. In Gonzalez’s article, two international business organizations named the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) recommend using new technologies such as new renewable energy and cleaner fuels helps to reduce global warming. However, Gonzalez (2005) explains these technological solutions can only shift the ecological pressure and cut down the global warming problem in the short term. For instance, nuclear energy emissions will cause other major environment problems (Gonzalez, 2005). Another shortcoming about nuclear technologies from Gonzalez (2005) is that now no technology are able to effectively reduce climate change problem, and allow present percentage of economic increase and consumption to keep going meanwhile decreasing global warming. Then the author highlight that environmental issues will become more serious before the success of the new technologies. Another solution of climate change is environmentally sensitive land management. Gonzalez (2005) suggests regulating the distances of residential and work places, and creating these places smaller. As a result, although nuclear terminologies can reduce climate change problem in a short term, land management is the most effective means. Urban sprawl results in the dramatically increasing use of automobile. Frumkin (2001) notes that motorization causes a numerous greenhouse gas emissions into the air, and physical health problems, such as worse lung function, and the mental health issues that affect local communities, especially the elderly and the very young. Living in suburbs, where is peace and quiet, provides benefits for human’s health (Frumkin, 2001). Thus, it increases the rural population. Gonzalez (2005) urged that people should get rid of dependence on cars, and spend more time on walking, biking and public transit. This solution seems to create the best effects to decrease the gas emissions to solve health problems. Another social problem is loss of farm land. Kenworthy and Hu (2002, 5 cited in Martin , 2007) explains that the percentage of urbanized land in China is growing, but the land use per capita has declined from 164 to 146 in six Chinese cities in five years. Yardley (2004 cited in Martin 2007) states that more than 2 per cent of farmland was replaced by urban areas in 2003. There are two solutions that offer different benefits. First, for this problem, McCartney (2010) suggests that people who live in the city are able to grow food in their private gardens or on balconies. Moreover, the author points out that people can grow food in a large-scale by using hydroponic or aeroponic technology in the future. This technology reduces vehicle CO2 emissions and people do not need to worry about the impact of droughts or floods to crops. Therefore, using hydroponics or aeroponic technology offers more. In conclusion, urban sprawl and motorization brings a variety of environmental and social issues namely climate change, health problem and loss of farm land. In this article, providing a number of methods to solve these problems. While some ways of approaching this problems including nuclear technologies, moving to suburbs and planting food in people’s private gardens or on balconies are able to help to decline damage of problems, these solutions still have some drawbacks. Accordingly, more effective and long method to resolve these problems are land management, reducing car use and using hydroponics or aeroponic technology.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Bridal Assignment

J. Crew has become a famous American brand in the retail and garment industry. It started out in 1983 with catalogs, and by 1989J. Crew established their first store which expanded to â€Å"206 retail and 69 outlet stores† through out the US. In 2004, J. Crew launched its wedding line that positively affected the increase of the direct sales of the company. J. Crew’s wedding line headed by Jenna Lyons, creative director, is famous for their simple and refined dresses with minimal bead and lace works.The design of the dresses is classic yet fun ranging from white to champagne-colored garments. More so, the price range from $1,000 to $3,000. Presently, J. Crew’s wedding line does not have any retail stores. They sell their garments through their catalog and website. To compensate for the lack of retail store, J. Crew offers additional wedding services for free including alteration of the garments and complimentary staff that will be of assistance to the customer (F ischer, 2005). Meanwhile, Clea Colet is a bridal gallery headed by Clea Colet who is also the head wedding dress designer.Their store in located at the Madison Avenue in New York City is an upscale boutique where clients can browse to the wide array of exquisite collections or customized their unique wedding dresses She is known for her â€Å"cautious with silhouettes† wherein most dresses have an A-line cut instead of looking like a ball gown. Also, Cle Colet designs have only minimal ornamentations and design wherein only a simple draping or fine beading are incorporated to accentuate the garments (New York Magazine, 2008).As Clea Colet once have said, to find one’s dream dress, a bride must look for â€Å"classic, timeless, flattering to her figure, and appropriate for her location† which are the main characteristics of her wedding dress designs (Manhattanbride. com, 2009). Most of the customized dresses are sold in price range of $2,500 to $6,500 garments (N ew York Magazine, 2008). Part 1 B J. Crew’s latest collection for their wedding line for Spring 2009 is very exquisite and stylish. The style varies from one dress to another but the one thing in common in these wedding gowns is that they flatter a woman’s figure.More so, the diversity of the collection is intended to address the different needs, wants and tastes of women. There is a â€Å"column-style jeweled cady gown made out of silk cotton† with necklace rhinestones and crystals accents, a champagne-colored empire-cut Esme Gown, â€Å"bow-tie dress made out of the softest silk tricotine with scooped neckline accented by pleated chiffon and a trumpet skirt that flatters all body types† and many others(Weddingbellsblog. com, 2008). On the other hand, Clea Colet’s present collection was inspired by the many kinds of weddings designed by modern and independent brides.Most of the dresses would fit any theme of the wedding whether beach or a formal s etting. The designs are simple and uncomplicated but they exude elegance and uniqueness which makes them timeless or classic pieces. Most of the dresses were made from chiffon, silk and taffeta with complimentary accents of delicate lace and bead works. More so, most of the gown are strapless ball gowns or figure fitting dress with a free flowing bottom (Manhattanbride. com, 2009). Part 2 Both Macy’s and Target’s Wedding Registry are very easy to use and to navigate.These two retail stores offer an assortment of products ranging from electronics to kitchenware that are essential and very stylish. For couples who want to register, both Macy’s and Target only require them to provide basic information such as e-mail address and telephone numbers in order to facilitate fast transactions. The two department stores have almost similar features for their wedding registry websites. Both stores present their products by category and they also provide recommendations on m erchandises that are popular and most commonly picked by couples.More so, a checklist is provided in order for couples to have a guide on the items that they want. Basically, the wedding registry websites of Macy’s and Target are a convenient and practical way of choosing products that will help couples to facilitate a smooth transition to married life. However, Target’s website is easier to navigate because you just have to mark the items that you want while at Macy’s you have to click on the item and then add it to your wedding registry. Also, Target presents at least 20 items in 1 page while Macy’s only show 5 to10 items.Furthermore, the list of chosen items at Target is more organized with detail information about the product, shipping and the stores where it can be bought. On the other hand, Macy’s registry list is less detail-oriented but it offers other promotions such as gift wrapping and gift etiquette which are also necessary to consider when selecting wedding gifts. Overall, all the information and the features of the websites can definitely be of great help to the bride and groom as well as to their guests. Part 3In a wedding, the bride and groom are not the only essential personalities that are needed in order to facilitate a successful union ceremony. This occasion requires another figure that will ensure the smooth execution of all the wedding plans and this person comes in the form of a wedding planner. A wedding planner is responsible for the pre, during and post planning stages of the wedding. Furthermore, the wedding planner must assist the couple in every way possible to help in reducing the stress which is an inevitable occurrence in preparing for one of the most special events that an individual can experience during his or her lifetime.So, a big responsibility is appointed to a wedding planner and whoever takes on the role must be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. Preparation prior to th e wedding day is considered to be the most important stage because this is when all the principal matters are discussed and organized. Initially, a wedding planner must first meet with the couple in order to determine their needs and wants for the wedding. Then, the wedding planner would help the couple to choose the wedding venue and wedding theme.After this, the wedding planner would work on the wedding decorations, seating arrangements, photographers, invitations and everything else that are needed in a wedding. Moreover, during the wedding, the wedding planner needs to make sure that everything that was planned will materialize. The wedding planner will act out as the supervisor who will ensure that everyone will do their tasks to make the wedding a success. But the job of a wedding planner does not stop there. The wedding planner will still work even after the wedding. He or she will make sure that all financial matters will settled and every guest will receive wedding favors.B ut most importantly, the wedding planner must ensure that the bride and groom had the time of their life (Manohar, 2008). Part 3 The wedding of Prince Rainier Grimaldi and Prince Grace Kelly of Monaco took place on April 18, 1956 at the â€Å"Palace Throne Room† in Monaco. It was a â€Å"40-minute civil ceremony† that was broadcasted to millions of television across Europe and the US. The next day, the wedding continued with a church ceremony at Saint Nicholas Cathedral. The wedding was attended by high-profiled personalities such as Royal figures and Hollywood celebrities (Weddinggownreviews. com, 2009).The bride wore a â€Å"lace decorated upper bodice with a high neck† designed by Helen Rose who was then the MGM wardrobe designer. The gown was â€Å"made from antique Valenciennes rose point lace, 25 yards of silk taffeta, 98 yards of tulle and her veil was covered with appliqued lace lovebirds and thousands of seed pearls. † More so, the whole entourag e was also designed by Helen Rose who gave a glamorous but classic style to the dresses. For the groom, Prince Rainier wore a â€Å"Napoleonic influenced dress uniform. † Then, the ceremony was followed by a lavish garden reception for the newlyweds and their celebrity guests (Thomas, 2009).References Fischer, J. (2005, September 1). J. Crew commits to wedding line. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from http://multichannelmerchant. com/mag/crew_commits_wedding_0901/ Manhattanbride. com. (2009). Clea Colet. Retrieved March 18, 2009, http://www. manhattanbride. com/fashionstories/CleaFash. html Manohar, U. (20008, October 17). What are the duties of a Wedding Planner. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/what-are-the-duties-of-a-wedding-planner. html New York Magazine. (2008). Bridal Gowns Directory. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from html Thomas, P. W. (2009). A Royal Wedding. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from http: //www. fashion-era. com/Weddings/1956_old_wedding_photos_royal. htm Weddingbellsblog. com. (2008, December 18). J. Crew Wedding Collection 2009. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from http://weddingbellsblog. com/designers-couturier/j-crew-wedding-collection-2009/ Weddinggownreviews. com. (2009, February 6). Princess Grace of Monaco. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from http://www. weddinggownsreview. com/princess-wedding-gowns/princess-grace-of-monaco

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Harlem Analysis Essay

Langston Hughes short poem, â€Å"Harlem,† seeks to understand what happens to a dream when it is put on hold. Hughes uses vivid imagery and similes to make an effort to describe what the consequences are to a dream that is lost. He attempts to bring to the attention the life of a Negro and how so many dreams are put off to the side because of prejudice against African Americans. The tone, imagery, and diction of Langston Hughes poem, â€Å"Harlem,† will be discussed in this paper. â€Å"Harlem† was written in 1951, which was around the time where prejudice against African Americans was still present (Cummings). Earlier, the civil war â€Å"had liberated them from slavery, and federal laws had granted them the right to vote, the right to own property, and so on† (Cummings). Although these civil rights were given to African Americans, prejudice continued to be a problem in society. They were put into poorly run segregated schools, given unskilled jobs, and were not allowed to use the same â€Å"public facilities† as white people (Cummings). This background information helps define the tone of the poem. The feeling of anger and frustration are conveyed through Hughes poem. Hughes was frustrated with the fact that their skin color was holding them back from pursuing their dreams. He asks a series of rhetorical questions to build up to the last line â€Å"Or does it explode? † (Hughes 691). This line sets the overall tone of the poem by describing the build up of the anger the blacks had toward the white oppression. Hughes final message of the poem is that this resentment they have held inside for so long will soon explode causing both political and social damage. The use of imagery is prevalent throughout this poem. Hughes begins the poem by asking, â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred? † (690). From there he uses vivid imagery in the form of similes to paint a picture of someone’s dream that is wasting away. The images he uses touch on all five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. In the first two lines he uses the sense of taste by comparing a deferred dream to a raisin drying up in the sun. The original dream is a fresh, sweet grape but when it is put off to the side it dries up and turns into a black raisin. In lines four and five Hughes uses the sense of touch by comparing a dream to a sore by stating â€Å"Or fester like a sore/ and then run? † (609). A sore on our body is apart of us, just like an unfulfilled dream. An untreated sore will eventually become infected, just like a deferred dream will become more intense over time. The next line uses the sense of smell to describe a dream by comparing it to a â€Å"stink of rotten meat† (Hughes 690). Hughes is trying to convey that a dream that is put off will become less appealing. Lines seven and eight compare a dream to the sense of taste by stating, â€Å"Or crust and sugar over/ like a syrupy sweet? † (Hughes 690). This simile is describing that over time this dream will be â€Å"crusted† over and forgotten about. This last question then transitions into the only statement in the poem, â€Å"Maybe it just sags/ like a heavy load. † (Hughes 691). This statement is describing the heavy burden that is put on the dreamer. It creates an image of defeat. The final question uses the sense of hearing by saying â€Å"Or does it explode? (Hughes 690). This line describes that if this dream continues to be put off, it will eventually explode and chaos will spread. These images help establish the situation and setting of the poem. The oppression of African American’s dreams will ultimately cause an â€Å"explosion† of resentment and hate toward the white race. The diction of the poem seems to be very straightforward. Hughes chose his words very carefully to have a meaning that must be interpreted by the reader. In line four, Hughes chose the word â€Å"fester† to represent the anger and resentment that had been building up inside African Americans from being treated unequally. The word â€Å"explode† is used to represent the violence and chaos that will be the result of the festering anger that’s building up. The word â€Å"rotten† also has significance towards it. If you put something aside and leave it there for a long period of time, especially meat, it will become rotten. Hughes is trying to convey that putting dreams to the side will cause them to become â€Å"rotten† and forgotten about. Hughes uses the word â€Å"crust† to describe the dream being set aside for too long causing it to â€Å"crust and sugar over† making it no longer usable (690). Just like syrup that is set out for too long causing it to harden and become no longer usable. Hughes uses the term â€Å"heavy load† to describe the burden society put on African Americans by holding them back from pursuing their dreams. They must live with the â€Å"what if† weighing them down like a heavy load. Hughes use of diction is chosen very carefully to depict the anger of African Americans for having to hold back their dreams and goals because of their race. Langston Hughes uses tone, imagery, and diction to convey the deferred dreams and white oppression of African Americans. Racial prejudice caused many African Americans to lose sight of their dreams. Although they were granted their civil rights at this time period, racial discrimination was still prevalent in society and prevented them from pursuing their dreams. Hughes tries to bring to the attention the consequences of the built up resentment and thrown away dreams of African Americans to the reader in his short poem, â€Å"Harlem. †

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Starbucks Analysis Based on Ansoff’s Matrix

Growth Analysis on Starbucks Ansoff Matrix Market Penetration| Product Development| Market Development| Diversification| Starbucks have achieved market penetration by promoting its products in many ways. Their promotion allows Starbucks product to be known all around the US. They are constantly improving their products and making new coffee flavors to give the consumers different choices at he moment of ordering. Their USP, which is quality, makes the costumer’s loyalty to the brand to increase therefore Starbucks has a constant demand from the costumers.Starbucks has developed new products for the existing coffee houses to attract a new market. Some new products that Starbucks has established are: breakfast and pastry products. With these products consumers have a different option when going to the coffee house, as well, as new consumers that are searching for breakfasts. Starbucks has established coffee houses all over the world. They are constantly trying to enter new count ries to offer their worldwide known products. An example of this can be the recent opening of the first Starbuck in Ecuador.This is a way to analyze Ecuador’s market and make further decisions for implementing more coffee houses in Ecuador. Starbucks has developed diversification by implementing their new products in the new market. These products are usually based on the country’s culture and demand, which are different form Starbuck’s original products. We think that Starbuck is going to growth because based on an article in which it stated that Starbucks’s profit was better than predicted.This is a clue to infer that Starbuck’s is gaining its lost consumers and loyalty to the brand. By being constantly trying to enter new countries and offering their products, is also a way that Starbucks is trying to expand its market. All these factors and much more are essential for the growth of Starbucks in the US as in other counties. Bibliography: http:// www. reuters. com/article/2010/07/20/us-starbucks-idUSTRE66J5DT20100720

Friday, September 13, 2019

Project2 (Global Issues in Business and Economics ) Essay

Project2 (Global Issues in Business and Economics ) - Essay Example The company designs its operation in such a way that it provides great support to its pricing strategy. Actually it is found that in case of easyCar operation strategy and designing of processes are aligned with business strategy of the company. Its prime business strategy is to attract customer by offering low price and in order to support this strategy it designs its operation accordingly. For example, it is found that while in cases traditional car rental companies prime locations are situated within the airport complex of all major airports, the secondary and the nearby prime locations of easyCar are situated near train or bus stations where economic travelers are frequently found and where rent are used to be quite low. Not only that, easyCar also does not choose its location within airport complex, given its high cost nature, instead it selects nearby areas of airport for its location and thus can offer lower price compared to traditional car rental companies. ( Cateora and Gra ham, 2007; Saraswat, Nahar, and Karki, 2009) Unlike other traditional companies who focus on building larger and beautifully decorated facilities, often allowing customers to drive unlimited miles, and arranging a wide rage of cars within the fleet, easyCar generally build small and simple facilities in order to keep its cost at a low level. Not only that, it also provides one type of car per site as a result of which maintenance becomes much easier and customer service staff find it much easier to achieve very high rate of utilization as each car can be substituted for the other. easyCar also does not allow unlimited driving which play a major role in keeping costs at low level. ( Cateora and Graham, 2007; Saraswat, Nahar, and Karki, 2009) Customers use to have a very high involvement in the process in case of easyCar in the sense that before returning the car customers are asked to do a certain jobs like making a print out of the service contract bringing this to the company by th eir own, re-fill the car and cleaning it in order to bring it to ready-to-rent condition. All these lower the costs of easyCar. Not only that during the entire booking process this company extensively substitute people by technology in order to reduce labor costs. ( Cateora and Graham, 2007; Saraswat, Nahar, and Karki, 2009) The product/service in the global competitive market: The car rental industry has become very much attractive to the residents and businesses of Europe and America. Although, in less developed economies of Asia and Africa, the product or service has still not achieved a very prominent place in the transportation field, it has potential to become popular in these nation as well in near future for a number of factors. More and more market players will start to operate on a global platform. Actually, this industry offers the buyers of its products a sustainable and reasonably priced access to road transportation. Apart from this, this car rental industry also provi des an opportunity of having an early access to the trials of large varieties of low-carbon means of transport. Not only the residents and business houses, but also the tourists are increasingly becoming dependent on the car rental industry of Europe for their entire traveling schedule. easyCar is a viable competitor to taxis, buses and trains. The major reason that has made a tough competitor to buses, taxis and trains is its operational

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Personal Philosophy of Teaching - Essay Example Such learner-centred approach is based on active and reflective learning which is also founded on the learner’s motivation to learn. This type of learning however, needs the participation and assistance of clinician-educators working with the learners as facilitators. This paper shall discuss my personal philosophy of teaching psychiatry to junior doctors in the psychiatric work place. It will also demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles underpinning the structure of learning and supervision in the medical workplace. This essay will also articulate and justify my personal philosophy of teaching and identify potential future needs and opportunities for engagement with continuing professional development. Body In teaching psychiatry to junior doctors, I applied the student-centred approach, more specifically, the case-based learning approach. Case-based learning is a valuable tool in medicine because it involves the application of theories and skills which are eventually meant to secure important tools for the learner (Kolodner, Hmelo, and Narayanan, 2003). Case-based learning is founded on the principle of clinical cognition which, in general, seeks to assess cases and establish applicable processes for their resolution (Elstein and Schwarz, 2002). John Dewey describes the theory of clinical cognition by explaining that experiences are often critical elements which impact on the overall quality of learning and that teachers have a responsibility to ensure optimal experiences in its applications (Kassirer, 2010). In effect, he further posits that teaching experiences â€Å"should arouse curiosity, enhance personal initiative, and allow free expression of learners’ ideas† (Kassirer, 2010, p. 1118). The knowledge which a student has learned through experience in any situation therefore becomes the tool in understanding and managing other situations which may follow. I used this case-based learning because through this method, I was able to guide the junior doctors into establishing a vivid picture of their patient, to have a more tactile experience of the patient’s case, and to enable comparisons of abnormal and normal psychiatric processes. A discussion by Halbreich (1994) established that part of the processes involved in teaching psychiatry to general practitioners is based on the establishment of a curriculum which is built on the needs of the GPs. The case-based and the problem-based techniques help designate the personal skills which need to be evaluated, the knowledge of symptoms, the differential diagnosis, as well as the management tools which they can apply (Halbreich, 1994). In effect, the learning process founded on the case-based approach involves the process of teaching GPs about the essential symptoms involving psychiatric affectations (Coderre,, 2003). As the learners would have a more personal evaluation of various patient cases, they are also able to establish appropriate management interventions for these cases. I found that the process of teaching junior doctors about the medical management of psychosis in wards can be adequately carried out with the application of the case-based learning. Policy and practice protocols in medical management among psychiatric patients, involves the usual elements including, history-taking, reasons for consult, prioritisation of patient needs, assessment, identification of need for specialist consult, health plan/interventions (Bowen, 2006). Case-based