Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Review of Psychology and Christianity 5 Views

Assessment 1 Assessment 1 What does psychological scholarship convey to do with the Christian faith? In Psychology and Christianity tailfin Views, by Myers, J champions, Roberts, Watson, Coe, Hall, and Powlison (2010) is an introductory textbook for Christian psychological perception that translates sound arguments for an array of smirchs on psychological scholarship and faith. Each author contributed an strive and in return the other essayist respond by either agreeing or disagreeing by pointing expose faults and explaining why. The prototypic position by David G.Myers titled, A-Levels-of-Explanation View, who is a psychological scientist who supports that Christian theology and psychological learning atomic number 18 dickens real distinct disciplines, but they do share similar goals. Myers defines psychology as, the acquirement of behavior and mental processes (2010, pg. 49) and that over cartridge clip different variations of this definition have agree that psycho logy is a scientific discipline. By having rarity and humility we should seek out to rise each others ideas. He has high regards towards existential psychological investigate that it pot reveal causeive a persons personality, behavior, attitudes, relationships and much.He besides confirms that psychology butt end affirm aspects of Christian faith, for theoretical account psychological science supports family values, and that at clipping psychological science might incur us to transpose our fancy on Christian theology and interpretations of scripture. Myers admits that he has channelised his military capability on homo internals, as there is to a greater extent than than research on psychological findings and contract subject research. He concludes that, versed orientation is a natural disposition, non a voluntary incorrupt plectrum (2010, pg. 72). Secondly, Stanton L.Jones writes about, An Integration View, where psychology and Christianity should be inter twined with each other. He believes that science is a tool that divinity fudge uses as an instrument of revelation. Although Jones upholds that scripture determines the fixational beliefs and understanding of Christians, it does non provide us with the full fellowship of understanding humans. Throughout Jones interpret, he emphasizes the enormousness of a thoughtful Christian gustatory modality for science (144) and as Christians we should be able to engage with secular psychology, but he as well as recognizes this engagement has its limits.Furtherto a greater extent, Jones uses homosexuality, like Myers, as a test case, but is very clear on what scripture says about this behavior and does non let info change his mind on this event since the Authority of Scripture cannot be mistaken. The Christian Psychology view by Roberts and Watson, have a more historical and philosophical draw close. They do not deny modern psychology, but argue that psychology has been roughly fo r the past 2500 years. For example, he brings up issues pertinent today with the Sermon on the originate instead of the science offered by todays pitch psychologist.Roberts and Watson also claim that Christian psychologist should draw close psychology with the bases of the Christian tradition. Christians must approach the subject matter of humanity cover what God has told us about what it think up to be fully human prototypic that and then is our framework for engaging psychology as a social science (p. 183). Roberts and Watson purpose a two-stage method to first appropriate the options of the rich, Christian psychological tradition, and then to employ it in the advance of empirical science and applied science (p. 184).This is how a Christian understanding of the person can come to hypotheses that can be tested, consequently advancing our comprehension on humans. Lastly, the scriptural Counseling Model, by Powlison opens up his view with, Christian faith is a psychology an d that Christian ministry is a psychotherapy (p. 245). He uses these terms differently when compared to modern psychologist.. He further illustrates that psychology can be categorized into six lines (Psych-1 to Psych-6) the raw experiences of life, make knowledge, interpretive and explanatory models, psychotherapy, institutional and professed(prenominal) arrangements and the ethos of culture.He goes on and uses these terms with numerous scriptural themes by providing a test case. Powlison is more interested in assisting the individual utilize biblical insights to let on understand. I found that Stanton L. Jones, An Integration View, was the most persuasive for me. He emphasizes that if we Christians believe that Jesus Christ is deliverer and Lord of all and that there is no life outside of the scope of his sovereignty. An integrationist view believes the Christian psychologist should draw on the resource of Gods answers to these ultimate questions as the foundation both for how we engage the science of psychology and how we structure our practice in the profession of psychology (p. 101). I also strongly agree with him that our human experiences should be based on scripture, but he also acknowledges that Scripture alone could provide every aspect for understanding mess as well as their problems and solutions. He also argues that the Christian faith can and should relate to science in command and psychological science in specific (p. 06). He emphasizes that if Christian psychologist focus more on the Bible and Christian theology, it get out help force their work because they pull up stakes embrace biblical truth and theological principals. Jones also argues not just for the Christian faith in psychology, but for the science as well. Because by his sovereign choice, Gods acting and speech are limited. Further, he has created humans as sharp beings capable of knowing more and more about reality around them through with(predicate) the exercise of their reason and curiosity (p. 10). therefore we should integrate the discipline of psychology with ones commitment to Scripture to shape their work. Although I agreed with most of what Myers argued for, I strongly disagreed with his view on sexual orientation. He professes that he is a Christian who reads the word, spends time with the Lord daily, but also confesses that over time data has swayed him to change his mind and now believes that sexual orientation (most clearly for males) is a natural disposition, not a voluntary moral choice (p. 73).I believe that Scripture has clearly say what is right and wrong in our sexual lives. Myers also states that, our assumptions and beliefs always shape our approaches to science (p. 81). Since Myers is heavily influenced by science, this has led him to change his moral views on sexual orientation, therefore, ignoring the moral aspect that biblical teaching that the act of homosexuality is immoral and is a disorientation of what God meant for hu man life. I well enjoyed learning and reading the four out five views in this book.It has made me acknowledge that I need to spend more time in theology and in the word in order to get out grasp the understanding of people. By doing so I hope to become not only more knowledgeable in the area of psychology, but a better servant for Christ. References Myers, D. G. , Jones, S. L. , Roberts, R. C. , Watson, P. J. , Coe, J. H. , Hall, T. W. , Powlison, D. (2010). Psychology and Christianity five views. E. L. Johnson (2nd ed. ). Downers, IL InterVarsity Press.

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