Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Regz

Stress is a huge problem for me in my time of life. Stress occurs when we adapt or adjust to the environment, mentally or physically. Every day there’s something new that’s stressful. My car will break, tests coming up, all at once of course. All of a sudden they’ll be a problem between me and one of my girl friends. Then to top it off, and it’s not even anything hard or so aggravating, my mom would ask me to do something for her after my hard day and school and work, and then I just flip out. There’s many ways to release stress though. We’ve learned in class about taking the yoga breaths and relaxing exercises. They probably work even though I’ve yet to really try them, or at least I haven’t tried to do it on purpose. Stress can be easily dealt with though by planning ahead so when the problem arrives, you won’t have a million to deal with at once. Everyone has stress, you experience every day. The best way to cope is to just relax once in a while and try to not think of all the worries in your life. What’s the point of living if your not actually living because your worried about everything.... Free Essays on Regz Free Essays on Regz Stress is a huge problem for me in my time of life. Stress occurs when we adapt or adjust to the environment, mentally or physically. Every day there’s something new that’s stressful. My car will break, tests coming up, all at once of course. All of a sudden they’ll be a problem between me and one of my girl friends. Then to top it off, and it’s not even anything hard or so aggravating, my mom would ask me to do something for her after my hard day and school and work, and then I just flip out. There’s many ways to release stress though. We’ve learned in class about taking the yoga breaths and relaxing exercises. They probably work even though I’ve yet to really try them, or at least I haven’t tried to do it on purpose. Stress can be easily dealt with though by planning ahead so when the problem arrives, you won’t have a million to deal with at once. Everyone has stress, you experience every day. The best way to cope is to just relax once in a while and try to not think of all the worries in your life. What’s the point of living if your not actually living because your worried about everything....

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