Monday, December 30, 2019

Philosophy And Justice What Is A Just Society.. Introduction

Philosophy and Justice: What is a Just Society Introduction to Philosophy Chelsea Snelgrove Edwina Johnson 04/04/2017 In 1998, a lady by the name of Rosa Parks stated that racism is still with us but it is up to us to educate our children for what is to come and then shall we move forward. There are those who believe that these words no longer hold value. That is farthest from the truth. Unfortunately racism is indeed still real in this world. You see, racism is not something that appeared out of thin air. In fact, racism began dating back to the early years of slavery. Thank God slavery no longer exists. Yet racism still does. Racism still plays a†¦show more content†¦We can provide for our families adequately. Yet, we shall never forget the struggles that our ancestors faced to get us to where we are now. David Frances wrote in article that it is very likely that african americans will have an higher unemployment rate than whites. In the united states racism and white supremacy go hand in hand. White supremicists feel as if they are superior to any other race besides their own. They feel that it gives the the right to dominate the world, socially and politically. There was an experiment conducted by Marc Benedict Jr, that proved that racism is not experienced by just blacks.( Abagoned 2010) The United States decided to break all of the rules and elected its first black president not once but twice. This should be enough to end racism, yet it seemed to only cause more racism. Do you honestly think if Obama ran for office 50 years ago that he would of won? In my opinion, I feel as if Obama won the race to only be used as a pawn. Even as the POTUS, Obama had his share of racism. What about the Trayvon Martin case? This young man was not only racially profiled but he was shot down by a white man whom claimed that Martin threathened him. Zimmerman took it upon himself to play cop and because of it a mother lost her son, a sister lost her brother and a father also lost his son. Zimmerman claimed that Treyvon looked suspicious. Since when did walking down the street wearing a hoodie and eating skittlesShow MoreRelatedLife Without Laws And Regulations Essay879 Words   |  4 PagesLife without laws and regulations would be a world that consists of chaos amongst societies and u nfairness, human rights would be affected and our freedom would depend on the authorities of governments. Does this take away our rights based on the State of nature? The social contract would introduce and maintain a controlled society in which protects people’s rights to life, liberty and protection of ones property. John Rawls a modern philosopher carries on the social contract tradition alongsideRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Social Justice1507 Words   |  7 Pagesdistribution are concepts that are embedded in social justice. 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