Thursday, February 13, 2020

MARKET COMMUNICATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

MARKET COMMUNICATIONS - Essay Example What platform should be used by them in order to market their products and services more effectively covering huge masses all around the globe? The companies also aim to find such marketing tools which are personal and closer to their customers’ needs and preferences. Information Search This step involves the searching phase in order to obtain the latest information regarding the most effective personal marketing tool. Different tools are used by the companies to advertise themselves. TV and commercial ads are considered as one way marketing in which the customer’s feedback cannot be obtained. In this way, the current trend of bidirectional marketing is on its move such that most of the companies are using social networking sites for this purpose. These companies not only post their marketing messages through the banner ads but also create their communities to interact with their customers, and other fans of their products. Evaluation of Alternatives After the gathering of information regarding the social network sites, the next step is to evaluate these sites as to which site fulfill the advertising requirement of those companies. Social networking sites including Facebook, twitter, MySpace etc are the most popular sites which are mostly used by the companies to advertise themselves. ... In this way, these companies tend to focus more towards Facebook as Facebook has the most number of active users as compared to other social networking sites. Buying This step is the actual buying activity in which these companies pay the Facebook for their banner ads to be put in to the Facebook pages. Facebook provides those companies a unique offer such that these companies can target their customers who are within the geographical and demographic boundaries of those companies. For instance, Facebook ensures that only those users should watch those banner ads which are used to target them by these companies rather than posting those banners on the profiles of those users who cannot be catered by those companies by any means. Post Buying Decision In the post buying stage, these advertising companies keep evaluating as what actually is feedback of the customers who being attracted by the Facebook platform. These evaluations can be performed by the activities of the users on the comm unity pages created by these companies. Customer’s feedbacks and likings would certainly lead to the judgment as how effectively the marketing messages are conveyed to the customers as a primary basis. Increase in sales and revenue growth of these companies, would eventually conform the expectations of these companies as to what extent the companies remained successful in terms of their marketing efforts. Factors affecting Facebook Customers External Factors Four external forces can influence Facebook customers might be: 1. Government interventions in respect of utilizing Facebook as a medium of marketing tool 2. Emergence of other better social networking site with more enhanced

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