Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Research Project - Essay Example This was a consideration since the human tendency to judge others work and performance created a lot of problems related to the motivation, ethics, legal ruling etc. at workplaces (Cannell and Wood, 1992). To ensure that the appraisal systems were just, lawful, fair and accurate, performance appraisal was introduced. The process was linked to the material outcomes, i.e. if an employee’s performance is to less than ideal then there would be a cut in pay, however if the performance was better than the ideal level set by the supervisor, then there would be a rise in pay. In 1950’s United States observed the usefulness of appraisal as a tool for motivation and development. This model was now being gradually recognised and the general model of performance appraisal started on from that time (Strebler, M. T., Thompson, M. and Heron, P., 1997). The birth of performance related pay was somewhere in 1980s, when many employers felt it was a great solution to improve performance and enthusiastically embraced the idea. It was then that businesses wanted to move from the service related pay progression to a more result oriented form of pay. Businesses wanted to ensure that the business objectives were met by setting performance goals for employees (Dervon, M. G., 1990). This however did not last for a very long time. In 1990s, employers felt the need to have a more improvised form of the theory as the efficiency of the theory was now being challenged by a lot of scholars and businesses. It was noted during the 90s that the scheme had failed to deliver the expected results and businesses were now looking to develop a better revised approach of performance related pay (Dowling, B. and Richardson, R., 1997). However in the current situation the definition of employee contribution is not only dependent on the output i.e. the end results achieved but also depends on the inputs by the employee i.e. what the employee is willing to contribute to the business. In

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