Saturday, August 31, 2019

Virus- – Malicious Software – Introduction

Introduction This assignment will explain about today’s most dangerous challenges for computer users, developers, professionals and all, one common step of assault on computer is ‘malicious computer program called Virus’. They have many different types; some of them can do very devastating effect on system and cost fortune as well. Most of the organisations have big challenges to block such a data effecting viruses. Estate agency business is the one of the organisation which is always a treat because of there confidential data-transferring between clients and staffs, so it’s effecting companies network performances and productivity.We will see some of them and understand how we can protect systems. About There have been well said about viruses from Microsoft (2006) â€Å"Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk†. Computer viruses are some well written programs by programmers. They will upload on your computer or server without your information and execute without your knowledge.Some of them will corrupt or delete your important data as well as application files. An even more they will attack on your system files, networks. They will distribute your data form one computer to another. It’s depends on different kind of viruses and there own capability. History â€Å"There are times when people want to destroy computers. In a time of war, a country may want to hamstring their enemy by destroying their intelligence databases (Ludwig, 1996)†. According to Spamlaws (2010) ,There are plenty of malicious software ,which is effected on computers . ostly know as viruses, spywares, trojan hourses and worms, rootkits and many other dangerous program which effect on syst em . As per comparisen these are different to each other : Viruses : Comuter viruses make system halt or keep contatly shuting down and do damages to files so user have difficulties to access documents or any other applications. These type of virsues make such damages which can be seen. Spyware:These types of software is installed on computer without user’s knowladge. They will change computer settings, make computer functionality difficult to use. They will collect data from users computer and sendback to remote host.Capable to hack your password,financial information. Trojan hourse: According to Cicso(2010), it is harmful piece of software,after it is activated,it can irritating the user by popping up windows,changing desktops,damaging deleting files,staling data as well as activating and spreading viruses. Worms:Worms are damaging and irritating others network than host computer, it is dangarous to sending viruses to other computers without effecting host computer. Athors claim,(Ianelli,Kinder and Roylo,2007)â€Å"If attackers can get their malware downloaded on victims system,they can earn money by causing the system to run the pay-per-install software†.Causes to Estate Agency Bussiness : Unlikely other businesses Estate agency is always an attackers target because of ‘Confidential’ data transfering on Internet with its clients. By virus attack it can be posible to change in important documents or companies policy,as per McAfee (2000),In 2000 ‘ILOVEYOU’ virus had similarly damage to thousands of computer. Virus can make very devastating effect on Estate agencies e-mail system,which is always busy for transfering important application files (DOC,.EXL,PPT etc) between millions of computer,as per CERT (1999),In1999 ‘Melissa’ virus was so powerful that it forced Microsoft’s and other big organisation to switch off their Email systems. Similarly ‘Twitter worm’ has effected upto quarter of millions twitter accounts in Jan 2010. Suggetion for better use of computer systems in Estate agency : ? Manage and admin all data, email system and applications centralized. ? Keep backup regularly and easily. ? Add new clause in ‘Turms of use’ for fair use of data handling to all users. ? Install Anti-virus software that will update regularly to check all downloaded files and block new spywares.Show and prove more commitement to data security within organisation. ? Use more secure operating systems like UNIX, LINUX. ? Avoid downloading unsecured data software from third party web sites or unathorized CD, DVD or external memory stick’s. ? Provide technical support to staff about how to deal with such odd files or data. For example, never run executable files (. EXE) which comes with email attachments. ? It is an advantage to use malware analysis software with the email system. Conclusion : Investment into Companies IT infrastructure will help to block malicious software and improve security for online communication.It can be reduce cost on system maintenances and additional accessories like software, hardware. Staff can work more efficiently and more positively to produce better results. Customer’s as well more assured about data security with the organisation. They don’t be worried about confidentiality of sharing personal data with the company. Satisfied customers is the most important key factor to become a successful organisation.References used in this assignment : o CERT,1999, http://www. cert. org/advisories/CA-1999-04. html ( Last accessed 31/10/2010) o Cisco, 2010, What is the difference:Viruses,Worms,Trojans and Bots? http://www. cisco. om/web/about/security/intelligence/virus-worm-diffs. htm l( Last accessed 30/10/2010) o Ianelli,N. ,Kinder,R. and Roylo,C. (2007) The use of malware analysis in support of law enforcement (P. ) Carnegie mellon university o Ludwig, M. A. (1996) The little black book of computer viruse s (p. 11). Arizona: American eagle publication. o McAfee,2000, http://vil. nai. com/vil/content/v_98617. htm (Last accessed 30/10/2010) o Microsoft,2006, http://www. microsoft. com/uk/protect/computer/basics/virus. mspx ( Last accessed 30/10/2010). o Spamlaws ,2010, http://www. spamlaws. com/malware-types. html ( Last accessed 01/11/2010)

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